Resources for offering a quality service

We would like you to have all the information and resources you need at your disposal so you can offer your customers and clients an even better and maximum-quality service, as it's everyone's business to turn Barcelona into the best shop in the world.


Services and programs for commerce

The Commerce Department has designed, together with Barcelona Activa, a set of services and programs to support business development, as well as the needs of the commercial fabric of the city.


Guide to food establishments

This digital guide, published by the Public Health Agency of Barcelona, provides information on the conditions and health requirements for food establishments. It includes general information that can be applied in any food establishment, and specific information for catering establishments (bars and restaurants) or food businesses (butcher shops, fish shops, pastry shops, etc.).


Code of good practices

We offer you advice, recommendations and requirements so that everything's a lot easier when it comes to running your business.  Ranging from dealing with customers to labelling necessities and occupational risk-prevention issues.


Guilds and Associations

Professional guilds and associations and crafts people bring continuity to a profession of considerable value by passing on their expertise. And thanks to the retailers associations, we can all between us (retailers, customers and authorities) see to the interests that concern us so that Barcelona continues being the best shop in the world for a good many years.


Consumer Arbitration System

To resolve disputes arising from commerce, the City Council offers customers and retailers a space for finding joint solutions in a fast and effective way.

all the information and resources you need at your disposal so you can offer a maximum-quality service